Archives du mot-clé 1998

Radiohead, 12 avril 1998, Toronto, Maple Leaf Gardens

Setlist :

  1. Meeting in the aisle
  2. Airbag
  3. Karma Police
  4. The bends
  5. Exit Music (For A Film)
  6. Climbing Up The Walls
  7. Just
  8. Subterranean Homesick Alien
    This is for the people sitting in ’the Greys and Greens’. (les sièges au fond et en haut)
  9. Lucky
  10. My Iron Lung
  11. Planet Telex
  12. No surprises
  13. Lurgee
  14. The trickster
  15. Talk show host
  16. Bones This song is currently being dedicated every night to Bill Gates, the most paranoid man in the universe.
  17. Paranoid Android
  18. Street Spirit
  19. How To Disappear Completely And Never Be Found
  20. Fake Plastic Trees
  21. Pearly* This is for Spiritualized.
  22. The tourist